I'm not sure if I have mentioned the headlining band, Ayleron, but 1. they are awesome! and 2. they had a concert on Saturday night. Everybody from St. Ann's ate dinner super fast and rushed to the front right when the doors opened so we could have the best spots at the concert. During the concert the band played one of their original songs entitled, "Make Me Whole" I bought it right when I got back to our room that night and have had it on replay non-stop and it has already become one of my favorite songs. Click here to listen! I plan on eventually writing about my favorite Christian artists/ songs and this will definitely be there!
After the concert, one of my youth ministers, Naomi Lehew, gave a talk. She told personal stories that the kids from my church had heard a million times, but getting to see her reach teens outside of our high school ministry was amazing. Then, she told us about Blessed Chiara Luce Badano. To make a long story short, Blessed Chiara was a girl from Italy who was beatified by Pope Bendict XVI in 2010. When she was diagnosed with a rare and painful form of bone cancer that ended her tennis career, she said, "If He wants it, then so do I" When Naomi said this, it clicked with me "His will and my will are the same" Which, like many things in the Catholic Church, is easier to say then do. Sometimes we get so caught up in what we want, that when God hands us something different, we deny it. But we need to realize that God puts obstacles in our path so He can help us overcome them. Once we learn to accept this, our lives become much more enjoyable. If it's what He wants, it is what we NEED!
Above is the documentary made about Blessed Chiara Luce Badano.
Along with the realization of the meaning of "His will and my will are the same." I was enthralled by Blessed Chiara's story. She was a beautiful, athletic teenage girl, she had so much going for her and she had to give it all up when she got cancer. And she did so willingly. Most people would not have the same attitude when being diagnosed with a life threatening disease. But what really got me was the fact that she is on the road to sainthood. When I think of Saints, I think of people from ancient times, but Blessed Chiara passed away in 1990! I feel that Blessed Chiara is the embodiment of what Pope Francis says in this quote, and WE can be too!
In His Name,
If you have questions, prayer requests or just wanna say hi please leave a comment! And remember if you need somebody to talk to feel free to email me meredithmunro@icloud.com twitter: meredith_munro
instapray: meredithbm
After the concert, one of my youth ministers, Naomi Lehew, gave a talk. She told personal stories that the kids from my church had heard a million times, but getting to see her reach teens outside of our high school ministry was amazing. Then, she told us about Blessed Chiara Luce Badano. To make a long story short, Blessed Chiara was a girl from Italy who was beatified by Pope Bendict XVI in 2010. When she was diagnosed with a rare and painful form of bone cancer that ended her tennis career, she said, "If He wants it, then so do I" When Naomi said this, it clicked with me "His will and my will are the same" Which, like many things in the Catholic Church, is easier to say then do. Sometimes we get so caught up in what we want, that when God hands us something different, we deny it. But we need to realize that God puts obstacles in our path so He can help us overcome them. Once we learn to accept this, our lives become much more enjoyable. If it's what He wants, it is what we NEED!
Along with the realization of the meaning of "His will and my will are the same." I was enthralled by Blessed Chiara's story. She was a beautiful, athletic teenage girl, she had so much going for her and she had to give it all up when she got cancer. And she did so willingly. Most people would not have the same attitude when being diagnosed with a life threatening disease. But what really got me was the fact that she is on the road to sainthood. When I think of Saints, I think of people from ancient times, but Blessed Chiara passed away in 1990! I feel that Blessed Chiara is the embodiment of what Pope Francis says in this quote, and WE can be too!
So those were my Saturday highlights! I am soooooo sorry it took so long. I will post Sunday sometime this week!
If you have questions, prayer requests or just wanna say hi please leave a comment! And remember if you need somebody to talk to feel free to email me meredithmunro@icloud.com twitter: meredith_munro
instapray: meredithbm