Monday, March 3, 2014

St. Anthony Appreciation Post

If you do not know of Saint Anthony you are missing out. He is the saint of lost items/people. My entire life my mom and grandma have been telling me to "say a prayer to St. Anthony" whenever I lose something. When I was little I thought his voice would boom in my head telling me where my lost item was and it never did so I sort of resented him for not helping me. However as I've gotten older I've discovered how he actually works and I probably have to pray to him at least once a week. I have a St. Anthony key chain on my key ring so I don't lose it. (it's worked so far *knock on wood*) 
Saint Anthony was especially awesome last night. The weather in DFW is similar to that of Antarctica at the moment, or at least that's what it feels like to a Texan. Temperatures below 20 and ice on the roads, it was a perfect night for my dog to run away. He does it all the time, but my dad can always catch him before he gets too far from home. But my dad is out of town right now and like I said, the weather was horrible which makes for a perfect storm. On top of that, my sister freaks out whenever he gets out, screaming and crying that she's scared blah blah blah. Well as you can probably imagine, she was ballistic last night, especially because she though he was dead. 
I am a pretty calm person because I have accepted that everything's a part of God's greater plan. Plus, my dog always comes back. Even though I too, was a little scared that Zack (my dog) might not return considering the harsh weather and that fact that it was 10 at night, I wouldn't dare let it show. I just prayed to good ol' St. Anthony and sent out some prayer requests. After about an hour of unsuccessful searching I sort of accepted that Zack wasn't coming back. I had a weird lack of sadness about it which is odd because I've had this dog since I was four years old. Around 11:30 or so, my sister broke her sobbing with a shriek, "ZACK!" she yelled, pointing at the window. He was home! I dropped to my knees and thanked St. Anthony. 
So, needless to say, St. Anthony is pretty great. Here is the St. Anthony prayer:
"Dear St. Anthony, look around, I've lost (insert lost item here) and it can't be found." 
I have added my own verse, so you won't find this part online or in a book but: "With your love and with your grace please return it to its place" Click here to read more about St. Anthony!

That's all for now. I have another post coming tomorrow so stay tuned! 

In His Name, 

questions? comments? prayer requests? Feel free to email me: