I'm reviving this blog for like 10 minutes.....
My friend, Olivia, is a fantastic photographer so we go out all the time and take dance pictures. About a year ago I got the idea for a photo shoot which in my head I titled, "The Vagabond Shoot". I basically wanted to juxtapose a "street rat" and an upperclass woman - there wasn't really a story behind it. But after going to California this summer and walking down Hollywood Boulevard my eyes were opened to the apathy we as a society have for the marginalized. Homeless people line the sidewalk right outside of Jimmy Kimmel's studio and people just walk by and try to avoid eye contact.
One man had a sign that read: All I'm asking for is a smile.
I walked past one man and heard him say, "None of you can buy me a hamburger!?"
I typed out a whole spiel on generosity and such and I outlined the story of these pictures but I think this quote from Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati does it all more justice than I can.
"Each of you knows that the foundation of our faith is charity... We will never be truly Catholic unless we conform our entire lives to the two commandments that are the essence of the Catholic faith: to love the Lord, our God, with all our strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves... With charity, we sow the seeds of that true peace which only our faith in Jesus Christ can give us by making us all brothers and sisters. I know that this way is steep, and difficult, and strewn with thorns, while at first glance the other path seems easier, more pleasant, and more satisfying. But the fact is, if we could look into the hearts of those who follow the perverse paths of this world, we would see that they lack the serenity that comes to those who have faced a thousand difficulties and who have renounced material pleasure to follow God's law."
|| So we shot some stuff then a lady on the street saw us taking pictures and pointed us toward a super cool alley thing so don't mind the fact that there are multiple locations and plot holes <3 ||

Thanks to Faith & Olivia for everything!