Tuesday, June 3, 2014

meet me at the corner?

So today was my last day of sophomore year (yay!!!) and it didn't really feel like any of my other last days of school. This is mainly because I only had to be there for one class period, but also because it came so fast. Usually the last few weeks drag out up until the last day of school but this week really snuck on me this year. That's not what this post is about though... You're probably wondering why this post is titled "Meet me at the corner?" and I will explain! My best friend, Sarah, lives just across Parkway and a block down from me so whenever we hang out we "meet at the corner" between our houses. Those words will always make me happy. But we don't say them very often anymore - NOT because we aren't friends, but because we can drive and even though it only takes two minutes to walk to the corner, we usually waste gas and pollute the atmosphere by driving. You grow up a lot during sophomore year, mainly because you or at least some of your friends can drive and can have jobs and it's all just a weird mixture of freedom and uncertainty. All of the things you couldn't wait to do when you turned sixteen are actually options and sometimes it scares me. For example, in the past two weeks I've been hired for two jobs (yep, two). I'm excited to make my own money and stuff but it's still so weird to me that I'm getting a paycheck with my name on it and that somebody trusts me to please their customers/ teach their students. 
As you grow up and discover who you are, you gain and lose a lot of friends. I'm really lucky to have Sarah, who has been my best friend since third grade and been through all of the awkwardness and confusion of adolescence with me. We aren't involved in the same programs at school so it's nice that we actually have things to talk about that the other person doesn't have any ties to or preconceived ideas of. Also, as my mother would say, Sarah has more boy experience than me, so she gives good advice on that kind of stuff (even when I don't want to hear it) 
It was today when we weren't in school that I started thinking about the good old corner. We were doing what we normally do: go to market street, come back to my house, bake and watch old Degrassi episodes (because the new one is horrible). I would love to do a post on why Sarah is such a great friend but 1) its not that simple and 2) if I could find adequate words to describe our relationship, the post would be at least a mile long. My point isn't that Sarah is great (we all already know that). My point IS that a year ago today we may have still been baking and watching Degrassi, but we would've met at the corner and begged my dad to drive us to market street and then he would have paid for whatever we decided to buy (today it was ingredients for slutty brownies). It's odd to think about how some things change and others stay the same. Even though we've developed relationships with other people, we're still best buddies (ok lame sorry) and I don't anticipate that that will ever change even as we grow up and open a Bookery or get married or whatever else we end up doing. 

Proverbs 18:24

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

I didn't feel like searching all the way back to 2004 so here are some recent pics ok. 

at the #DallasBIG sign outside of the AA center before Imagine Dragons! 

Sarah made snare captain (it is a big deal!!!)

In His Name, 

questions, comments or prayer requests? Feel free to email me: meredithmunro@icloud.com 

Me as I start working
Students taking final exams in the next few weeks (NOT ME <3)


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